Cape Cod Fishing Charters
great white shark + seal tour
no fishing
6Hrs $1200/$1100 (cash)
Or call Captain Seamus Muldoon at (508) 237-3962
Credit card or $300 deposit required. Discounted rates apply to cash and check payments only.
Great white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) have been increasingly spotted in Cape Cod waters in recent years. Historically, the grey seal population suffered greatly from the hunting, with the local population nearly extinct due to such hunting pressure. While the populations remained low through the 20th century, the hunting and killing of seals was outlawed in Massachusetts in the 1960s. Since then, local seal populations have surged – there are over 50,000 seals currently in the waters around the Cape and Islands. This increase in seals, particularly off of Monomoy Island, attracted great white sharks to the area as the seals serve as a steady food supply for the white sharks.

The populations of great whites have also increased with time and protection. Great whites were historically fished recreationally until they were designated protected in most federal waters in nineties and in all Massachusetts waters in 2005. They are known to be a keystone species because they are critical to the health and survival of their marine ecosystem.
Spend a day aboard the Jail Break sightseeing the waters off Monomoy Island to see white sharks, seals, and even humpback whales. Please note that this trip concentrates on sightseeing and does not include fishing.